非常感谢飞音时代对南奇网络的信任与支持,由于签约新闻发布比较晚,网站已上线运行 .网址:httpss://www.flyingvoice.cn/
项目类型网站类型:企业网站版式预期:欧美简约程序语言:PHP Logo:客户提供语言版本:简体中文,英文网页大小:响应式是否静态:伪静态 行业类别:手机数码/通讯/电器网站架构图
设计师评价网站主要以蓝色和白颜色设计为主,整体主要是简洁和功能性为主的结合设计,页面大多体现在功能效果上,页面大多页面太多细节体现,客户更多内容为简洁的直接明了的体现。公司介绍飞音时代成立于2007年,是业内领先的VoIP通讯终端设备商,及一站式解决方案提供商。团队核心成员均来自国内外知名通信企业,在VoIP领域有着非常丰富的专业经验。公司拥有完善的VoIP产品线,涵盖适用于企业及家庭的IP话机,适配器&语音网关和VoIP路由器。每款产品都有自主研发的专利技术,不仅通过了严格的电信级BMT测试,还与业界主要软交换平台、IMS平台和IP-PBX软件平台进行了交互测试。飞音时代旨在解决中小微企业网络和通讯好买难用的问题,致力于为中小微企业提供完善的无线IP办公解决方案。多年来,飞音时代凭借极具竞争力的产品和服务,获得了国内外通信运营商、系统集成商及企业的信赖和一致好评。Established in 2007, Flyingvoice is a leading provider of communication terminal equipment and VoIP CPE one-stop solutions. All of our core members are from top telecom enterprises and with extensive professional experience in VoIP field. With a complete VoIP product line, Flyingvoice specializes in VoIP phones, ATAs, gateways and routers for business and home. We have independent research and development of patented technology for each Flyingvoice product, not only has passed the strict carrier-level BMT test, but also has been interactively tested with the industrys major Softswitch platforms, IMS platforms and IP-PBX software platforms.We are aiming to empower small, medium and micro enterprises, solving the problem of easy to buy but difficult to use in network and communication. Over these years, Flyingvoice has won the trust and unanimous praise of domestic and foreign communication operators, system integrators and enterprises with its highly competitive products and services.
四川飞音时代网络通信公司响应式网站建设项目_成都网站搭建 https://cdnanqi.cn/wangzhanzhizuo/11332.html